Environmental policy

Environmental Policy

Humankind faces one of its biggest challenges in the current climate and biodiversity crisis. This environmental policy outlines my commitment to delivering coaching services with the environment and sustainability in mind. I achieve this by taking actions that conserve resources, prevent pollution, and comply with relevant legislation as well as continually leading by example in adopting the best environmental practices.

My commitment to environmental sustainability is demonstrated by:

  • Proactively reducing the environmental impact of my activities, with an emphasis on the reduction of water use, carbon-based energy, and waste
  • Assessing the effectiveness of my environmental performance through periodic auditing of this policy to continually improve
  • Communicating openly this policy and objectives to all stakeholders to enhance their awareness of my ongoing commitment to responsible environmental management
  • Providing appropriate guidance, training and resources to any contracted staff to fulfil environmental objectives and obligations
  • Creating social engagement opportunities that provide benefit to the coaching and career development industry and society as a whole


Environmental Sustainability Strategy

I am committed to growing a sustainable and socially responsible business. My environmental sustainability strategy aims to protect natural resources, achieve sustainable consumption, tackle climate change, reduce energy use and build sustainable communities.



FSC Accredited Office Paper

I only purchase Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) accredited paper products that have been certified against FSC Principles and Criteria which describe how the forests have to be managed to meet the social, economic, ecological, cultural and spiritual needs of present and future generations. These principles and criteria include:

  • Legality verification – follow all applicable laws
  • Demonstrated long-term land tenure and use rights
  • Respect rights of workers and indigenous people
  • Equitable use and sharing of benefits
  • Reduction of environmental impact of logging activities
  • Identification and appropriate management of areas that need special protection (e.g. cultural or sacred sites, habitat of endangered animals or plants)


Reducing my environmental impact by preserving resources and recycling is a key element of this environmental sustainability policy. Some of the strategies I am currently use are:

  • Using recycled paper wherever possible
  • Not printing emails, reports, forms and other documents unless absolutely necessary
  • Printing on both sides of paper
  • Re-using scrap paper for note taking
  • Security shredding used paper for recycling
  • Providing client resources electronically
  • Not handing out copies of presentations
  • Recycling printer cartridges
  • Turning equipment off when not in use



Transport and travel contribute to air pollution, climate change, traffic congestion and an overuse of precious resources. My strategies to address these issues are:

  • Using public transport for travel and only using private vehicles when absolutely necessary
  • Opting into carbon offsetting when air travel is unavoidable
  • Utilising online communication tools as an alternative to meeting face-to-face to reduce travel
  • Remote working to reduce the environmental impact of travel
  • Walking or cycling as main modes of transport 



I am keen to support communities to be as sustainable as possible by contributing to community development and capacity building locally and globally, raising the awareness of the climate crises and issues surrounding wellbeing in line with the UN’s sustainable development goals. This includes:

  • Active participation in local and global networks particularly those that support sustainability principles such as the Climate Coaching Alliance as well as other professional associations including the ICF, EMCC and AC who are joint signatories to the Statement on Climate Change
  • The provision of free resources via The Career Happiness Coach website’s Blog and Resources page
  • Providing pro-bono career coaching to a number of disadvantaged clients each year
  • Donating a percentage of profits to local and global community development and environmental charities 
  • Sharing my own permaculture practice knowledge and experience (PDC qualified) with others freely according to the permaculture principles of Earth Care, People Care, Fair Share as a way to contribute to sustainable living



I am committed to reducing the environmental impact of my career coaching activities by using the following strategies:

  • Working from home where possible
  • Using shared office space when it is not possible to work from home
  • Utilising web-based technologies to communicate with clients when appropriate
  • Using cloud storage only when necessary to avoid burdening the global data storage system
  • Combining client appointments on set days to maximise office use at each location when using an office is unavoidable



  • When purchasing new equipment such as computers, printers etc. with high energy efficiency ratings, made as locally as possible
  • Repairing and re-using equipment wherever possible
  • Powering equipment using renewable energy wherever possible
  • Using power saving mode on all equipment
  • Switching off all electrical items and equipment when not in use



  • Ensuring all waste is recycled 
  • Ensuring all green waste is composted
  • Disposing of electrical equipment and batteries responsibly through an accredited WEEE service



  • Using only fair-trade and organic tea and coffee and not buying takeaway drinks
  • Using and providing only plant-based milk in place of dairy which has a high environmental impact
  • Using and providing filtered tap water to discourage the use of purchased bottled water
  • Using recycled or FSC Accredited toilet paper in bathrooms



  • Use eco-friendly cleaning supplies
  • Use reusable cleaning cloths
  • Use 100% biodegradable and compostable rubbish bags


This policy was last updated on 1 March 2024

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